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Male Anatomy

Rollover the genital parts to learn more about the body.

Learn More about the Male Body

The genitals of male bodies allow men to enjoy pleasurable sexual feelings, have sexual intercourse and orgasms, and reproduce by making sperm that can fertilize a woman's eggs.  Each part has a medical name, but people may have their own words to describe these body parts.

Rollover the male genitals to learn more.

Inside the male body

  • 1Testicles

    A male has two testicles—also called balls—inside the scrotum. Testicles produce sperm and male hormones such as testosterone. Testosterone is responsible for puberty.

  • 2Epididymis

    A thin, curled tube connected to each testicle. Sperm is stored here after it leaves the testicles.

  • 3Vas deferens

    Carries sperm away from the epididymis, to prepare for leaving the penis.

  • 4Seminal vesicles and prostate gland

    When sperm pass through these organs, they release fluids to help sperm survive and live longer inside the vagina. Together, the fluids and sperm make up semen.

  • 5Urethra

    A tube carries semen and pee out of the penis. Semen leaves the penis when a male ejaculates.

Outside the male body—genitals

  • 1Penis

    Normally the penis is soft. When a male is sexually aroused, a lot of blood flows to the penis. It becomes hard—an erection.

  • 2Foreskin

    A layer of skin covers the penis. Some males are circumcised—a simple surgery removes the foreskin when they are babies. Males who have a foreskin should pull it back when they pee, bath, or put on a condom.

  • 3Scrotum

    A loose sack of skin holds the testicles and epididymis, and hangs under the penis.